If you are an owner or a resident in a strata building managed by StrataBee and you would like to log a repair request or view your levies, you can do so via our online portal. Please click on the link below for instructions how to get it set up.

If you have an urgent after hours repair request in relation to the common property, please use the contact numbers listed below for the relevant trades.

Please note: You might be liable for the cost of the repairs if the situation is not deemed to be an emergency or if the issue relates to the lot only. Please use your discretion in assessing the incident and whether the emergency can be attended during the office hours or after holiday break to minimise unnecessary costs.

Emergency TypeService ProviderContact Number
Electrical (Major)Ausgrid13 13 88
 Endeavour Energy13 10 03
 Essential Energy13 20 80
Electrical (Minor)SkyCo02 9525 9537
 WattsNext Electrical 0416 796 614
 GlenCo02 9700 9996
PlumbingSPS Plumbers1300 720 681
 FXD Plumbing0420 102 228
 Dave Shumak Plumbing0418 407 050
GlazierMagic Glass Services1800 045 277
 Express Glass1300 666 234
LocksmithAt Call Locksmiths1300 242 255
 Apex Locksmiths02 9161 5338
 Bells Locksmiths02 9357 2333
WaterSydney Water13 20 90
Garage DoorsPT Doors1300 693 667
 Auto-Lift Garage Doors0428 935 009
GasJemena13 19 09
Floods and StormsState Emergency Services (SES)132 500
POLICE/FIRE/AMBULANCE       Emergency000

For any repair requests during normal working hours (including emergencies), you can contact us via the enquiry form or on the numbers listed below. We endeavour to reply to all requests within 4 hours:

Highly Rated Strata Management in Sydney
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